
How To Use Nick Saban’s Football Process For Retirement Planning
Nick Saban, one of the most storied and successful coaches in the history of college football, recently retired. His career took him from the University

What An S&P 500 All-Time High Could Mean For Your Investments
The S&P 500 recently notched its first record close in more than two years. After falling more than 25% in 2022, the S&P 500 rose

The Army Of American Productivity And Your Retirement
A recent Gallup study showed that only 31% of the workforce in the U.S. and Canada loved or even liked their jobs, referring to this group as

All Aboard! The Happy Retirement Train at the Santa Barbara Zoo
Drive about 90 miles north of Los Angeles along U.S. Route 101, and you’ll find yourself in the stunning coastal city of Santa Barbara, California.

2024 Market Outlook: A Whole New World
The holidays are behind us. As we regain our fighting form, let’s take a moment to gaze downstream and see where the current seems to

American Anxiety Amidst a Healthy Economy
One of the most popular Christmas songs of all time is one you may not have heard. Far from a carol, “Fairytale of New York”

Defending the 4% Rule for Retirement
Anyone in the Retire Sooner family—readers of my books and articles and listeners to my podcast and radio show—knows how passionate I am about the

It’s The Most Wonderful (And Expensive) Time of Year!
As the holidays are rapidly approaching, the main concern I’m hearing is, “How am I going to pay for everything? Inflation is out of control!”

Let’s Get Started with Jill Smith Entrekin
The Happiest Retirees podcast debuted on September 19, 2023, and Jill Smith Entrekin was our very first guest. As the new kids on the podcast

Do You Want to Become the Millionaire Next Door?
When you think of a millionaire, what do you see? A butler selecting from an identical lineup of tuxedos parading along a conveyor belt in a closet

10 Financial Catalyst Events That Could Impact Your Happy Retirement Planning
Change is part of life. There’s no avoiding it, and the energy spent trying is wasted. As we plan for retirement, it’s essential that we

Client Spotlight: Liz & David’s Dream Trip to Iceland
Our readers know that from time to time, we like to swing the spotlight around, off of us, so that the light can shine brightly
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