Meet The Pets Of Capital Investment Advisors



At Capital Investment Advisors, we spend our days helping clients invest for the future. The markets rise and fall, but no matter how equities look, there’s one asset that never fails to stay ahead of inflation. Of course, I’m not talking about the S&P 500, the Dow Jones, or even U.S. Treasury bonds. No, I’m talking about something much cuter and cuddly: our pets. 

At CIA, we invest heavily in love and friendship with our furry friends, and let me tell you, the returns are exceptional. So let’s take a look at the breathtaking diversification. 

Cary Anne doesn’t mess around with that one-dog lifestyle. She’s got four!

Cary Anne Beavers: Client Service Associate, Atlanta Office

Meet The Pets Of Capital Investment Advisors

Cary Anne doesn’t mess around with that one-dog lifestyle. She’s got four! I can’t even imagine her dog food and poop bag budget, but I’m guessing no amount is too high for this cynophile.

“Aspen is a Lab/Great Pyrenees mix rescued from a terrible situation as a puppy. She is the sweetest, most gentle, well-behaved girl, who can do no wrong. She is my best girl!

Corona is a Pit/Rhodesian Ridgeback mix that is the first rescue of the pack. She is the protector of the house but loves nothing more than attention, and she will do whatever it takes to get that. She loves to snuggle.

Jager is a Lab/Rottweiler rescue. He is our escape artist and troublemaker. He loves nothing more than the word “squirrel” and his frisbee. But, when he is ready to settle down for the evening, he thinks he is still a lap dog. 

Pepe is a Chihuahua that was at the local shelter with his sister. While I was there, one day, his sister was adopted, and he was left alone. There was only one option at that point. However, after he adjusted to his big siblings, he turned out to be the best little guy. He enjoys sunbathing and singing (howling), and everyone says he is the nicest Chihuahua they’ve ever met.

Adopt, don’t shop!

Remi has helped her little cutie find her inner extrovert. 

Remington Hasty: Client Service Associate, Atlanta Office

Meet The Pets Of Capital Investment Advisors

“I adopted Lady about three years ago from a rescue in Lawrenceville, GA. She is an Aussie-Collie mix between seven and eight years old 😊.

Lady is very timid and takes a while to warm up to new dogs and people, but she has the sweetest heart. When I first got her, she was scared of just about everyone and everything, but she’s come a long way over the years. It turns out she has the cutest and quirkiest personality!”

Abbie and her brother decided to stick with the sibling theme for their pups. 

Abbie Stapleton: Junior Client Service Associate/Compliance Assistant, Atlanta Office

Meet The Pets Of Capital Investment Advisors

“My brother and I got brother and sister Golden Retrievers as Christmas gifts in 2010 when they were puppies! He got the big brother, and I got my little lady, Keely! At twelve and a half years old, she is still full of sass and spunk, but she does enjoy a good nap. She loves visiting with the other humans at the dog park more than the other dogs! I believe she would be the perfect office dog to have around. She is so lovingly referred to as a derp and goober head in my home!”

Courtney married into her dog’s life and shrewdly became her favorite owner. 

Courtney Cooper: Junior Client Service Associate, Denver Office

Meet The Pets Of Capital Investment Advisors

“This is Belle! She is my nine-year-old German Shepherd mix. My husband adopted her in Kentucky and brought her into my life when we met in Colorado. She is very much MY dog now! She loves anything to do with being outside, car rides, squeaky toys, and of course, cheese.”

Alex and her husband rescued a true warrior down in Tampa.

Alexandra Flemings: Client Service Associate, Tampa Office

Meet The Pets Of Capital Investment Advisors

“My husband and I rescued our pup from the Tampa Bay SPCA in 2018. He’s half Plott Hound. Since they were originally bred to hunt bears, the pressure was on to bequeath him a title of adequately epic proportions. So, we named him Thor, and he responded with a ferocious bark to match! Let’s just say no one will be breaking into our home. He loves the dog park and the beach. What a wonderful addition to our family!”

Banner’s boy hoodwinked him and cured his allergies in one fell swoop!

Banner Clark: Investment Advisor, Tampa Office

“I got Cliff when I lived in Chicago in the middle of the winter. Not the smartest move getting an eight-week-old puppy when it’s below freezing outside, but a Craigslist ad for a Goldendoodle popped up, and I knew their hypoallergenic fur would be easier on my allergies. So, I braved the elements and went to the south side of Chicago to retrieve him. Fast forward a few months, and he was shedding so much that it seems to have immunized me against allergies. 

Now that he’s grown, you can see he doesn’t really look like a Golden Doodle, so we did a DNA test to discover he is 27 percent Newfoundland, which explains why he weighs 100 pounds. While he is not technically a “rescue,” I like to think I saved him from the frigid winters of Chicago — he now lives in sunny Florida!”

Chelsey’s pooch smooches their toddler all the livelong day.

Chelsey Braswell: Client Service Manager, Denver Office

“My (then boyfriend, now husband) Kyle adopted Argo when he was four. Nine years later, he’s a grumpy but adorable senior citizen with a love/hate relationship with our daughter, Poppy. She giggles every time he kisses her. He is truly a member of our family that has been with us through getting married, moving to Colorado, and having a baby.”

Miller’s best friend sounds like he’s got retirement all figured out!

Miller Majors: Investment Associate, Atlanta Office

“While Murphy has been my fiancée’s dog since he was a little Golden Lab pup, I came into his life when he was a five-year-old, and we’ve had non-stop adventures ever since. 

After putting in five long years (or thirty-five in dog years!) into his emotional support career, Murphy has since retired to a life of leisure. However, as a poster child for the HDOB (Happiest Doggo On The Block) movement, he remains active in his core pursuits. These include impatiently waiting for his kibbles, two-mile walks through Piedmont Park and Morningside with mandatory stops at the neighborhood good boy biscuit box, afternoon snoozes, emptying his toy bin, the occasional zoomie, and watching golf with his dad on TV (Murphy is obsessed with the Hawaiian swing!). Murphy also keeps his family and a close-knit group of friends nearby, as his best friends Addie, Tilly, and Bleecker are all within walking distance or a short drive.

Between all of his core pursuits and social activities, Murphy has achieved a sense of fulfillment at nine years old that we should all aspire to.”

Betsy’s Beagle demands all the respect the judicial system affords him. 

Betsy Cleary: Client Service Manager, Atlanta Office

“We have a one-year-old Beagle pup named Judge. He is a handful at our house. He loves to howl when he doesn’t get his way. My fiancé passed the bar exam and wanted to celebrate his extra free time with a dog. So we figured Judge was a perfectly-fitting name.”

All’s “Wells” that ends well for Sonia.

Sonia Velazco: Junior Client Service Associate, Atlanta Office

“I adopted Wells during my junior year of college from the humane society in Valdosta, GA. He’s a little southern boy at heart. I instantly fell in love with him and knew I had to have him. He is my best friend and first ‘child.’”

Kevin’s gutsy and devoted pal is crucial to the Rodgers clan.

Kevin Rodgers: Investment Advisor, Tampa Office

“We picked up Riley while I was in graduate school. After lunch one day, I decided to go to the Humane Society, and there happened to be seven unfortunate puppies left behind in a nearby dumpster. One stunning pup had a white spot on her head and sock-like paws, so I took her for a walk, and she stole my heart! We brought her home that night and named her “Riley,” which means “courageous and loyal companion.” 

She is now six years old and a huge part of our family. She is a fast runner, so she loves to play fetch outside and show off her speed. Plus, she enjoys going on walks and going to the beach. It has truly been an adventure having Riley. There is never a dull moment with this pup!”



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